NINE Design + Homes artist studio and retail space located in the heart of the arts district of Old Redford, Detroit and founded by stars of HGTV’s Bargain Block, Keith Bynum and Evan Thomas, have partnered with The Guild of Artists and Artisans, producers of the world renowned Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair to bring you NINE Design + Homes Festival of the Arts. The event, located in Old Redford’s business corridor of northwest Detroit next to and amongst the adjoining arts community surrounding NINE Design + Homes, will showcase 60+ artists, live music at the Artist Village, Food Trucks, a tour of NINE Design + Homes’ mini-home, hands-on art making activities inside the Studio of NINE Design + Homes and more! This one day urban fine art and craft show will feature work by Bynum himself as well as over 60 other jury selected artisans in glass, painting, ceramic, jewelry, photography, mixed media, and more! Don’t miss this new and fabulous event. Free parking available in several different nearby and easily accessible parking lots. Enjoy the local arts community at the Artist Village, the Obama Building’s Gallery, and NINE Design + Homes while enjoying this new one-of-a-kind event!
Event Location, Days & Times
Saturday, June 17th from 10am – 5pm.
The event, located in Old Redford’s business corridor of northwest Detroit next to and amongst the
adjoining arts community surrounding NINE Design + Homes.
Artists in fine art and urban craft disciplines are invited to apply. Please review the Exhibition Standards (below) to help determine the eligibility of your specific artwork.
Security & Artist Parking
Professional security will be provided on Saturday. There is ample artist parking available in close proximity to the fair site.
Electricity will not be available at this event. Generators are not permitted.
Please review the event calendar. If you cannot apply online, please contact The Guild for additional options and fees, 734.662.3382.
March 21 Applications open
May 2 Online application deadline
May 12 Fees/contract due*
May 19 Confirmation packets emailed
May 26 Final day to cancel with refund (less $25 admin fee)**
June 17 Artist set up
June 17 Nine Design + Homes Festival of the Arts
**Cancel by the deadline, fee is refunded to artist, less $50 administration fee. Cancel after deadline, no refund is given.
Online Application Procedures for the Nine Design + Homes Festival of the Arts:
- Complete application form below.
- Submit four (4) work images and one (1) booth image with work displayed. If you are applying in two or more categories, please submit an application for each medium. No visible signatures allowed in the work images.
- Booth Images: Please show 3 walls of your booth. Remove artist names, business names, booth signage, booth tags, people, and animals from the booth image. Remove artist and business names from your artist statement as well.
- Your application will be removed if you do not comply with the jury image standards above and your jury fee will not be refunded.
- If you are applying in a non-jewelry category but wish to exhibit jewelry in your medium, please submit a separate application for jewelry. For example, you work in ceramics and wish to display your handmade ceramic jewelry within your booth. Please note in your Artist Statement that you are applying in a non-jewelry category but wish to show a small amount of jewelry in your booth.
- Submit application fee of $25. Application fees are non-refundable.
Applications will be accepted online until midnight EST, May 2, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be subject to a $25 late fee. Application fees are non-refundable. If you are unable to submit an online application, please contact The Guild for additional options and fees, 734.662.3382, ext. 301.
Important Information
By applying to this event, artists verify that they are responsible for the design and execution of their artwork according to the event’s Exhibition Standards. In addition, artists understand that NINE Designs + Homes and The Guild are not liable for loss or damage to artwork or personal injury. Artists will not be part of any legal action against NINE Designs + Homes or its personnel or The Guild or its personnel. Artists understand and agree that the event may use images of their artwork in advertising and promotion.
Show Features
· Extensive advertising and promotion
· Loyal, art buying audience
· Easy load in and out
· Professional and respectful art fair staff
· Well stocked artist hospitality
· Friendly booth sitters
· Professional security
Important Show Information: Please review the application procedures, the event calendar and the Exhibition Standards and Rules. If you have any questions, please contact The Guild at 734.662.3382, ext. 301 or
Booth Fees
$165, 10’ x 10’ booth fee; $25 corner fee
$330, double booth fee; $25 corner fee
8′ table in shared tent – $100 (limited space available)
(Note: A limited number of double booths are available. A booth corner allows for access to the either the right or left side of the booth and the open side is between eight and ten feet from the next booth; a corner may or may not be at the end of a row or street.)
The Guild of Artists & Artisans: Exhibit Terms and Conditions
Exhibition Standards
1. All work must be the original design of the artist; the essential work required to make each finished piece must be done by the artist. The artist is expected to be the major contributor of the time required in the essential production of the work. Helpers or assistants do not replace the artist in the production of a piece. They are permitted to assist in the non-essential and more mundane processes that go into the production of a finished piece. The only exceptions allowed are defined in Exhibition Standards #2.
2. No more than 25 percent of the work in an exhibitor’s booth may be reproductions; this policy applies to all media. Each piece must be clearly marked with the word “reproduction.” Exhibitors must use the word “reproduction”; other terms, including “print,” may not be used to refer to a reproduction. The presentation of the reproductions must play a visually subordinate role to the entirety of the exhibitor’s display. Reproductions of the artist’s own original work are the only reproductions allowed within the artist’s booth. Determination of what constitutes an original or a reproduction is determined by The Guild of Artists & Artisans. The decision of The Guild is final.
3. All work must be safe, non‑toxic, and fit for its intended use. If any work requires special or limited use, this will be fully disclosed and explained to the public.
4. Any commercially produced parts used in a work must play a subordinate role and may not be sold separately.
5. A mass-produced, cluttered or commercial appearance to an artist display is not permitted. Limited multiples of items may be displayed where color and size are varied and are required to show clearly the range of items available for sale to fair attendees. However, if the display presents an overwhelming number of multiples resulting in a commercial appearance, as determined by the Standards Committee, on-site adjustments will be requested and compliance will be required.
6. The artwork exhibited by the artist at the event must match the quality and balance of the images submitted to the event jury. The artwork exhibited at the event by the artist must also match the scope and volume of the images submitted for the event jury. An artist is not permitted to submit images presenting complex and detailed artwork but come to the event with a large quantity (more than 15 percent of the work displayed) of simple work. If artists wish to display a large quantity of simple work, it must be presented in the same proportion as presented in the jury images.
Note: The Guild understands that small work can be an important and essential sale item for an artist, therefore, an artist may display up to 15 percent of small work without a separate review or jury image. The small work must be clearly shown in the artist’s booth image. In addition, it is also understood (and encouraged) that experimentation with new work is part of the creative process. Ten percent of an artist’s display may be devoted to new work, without a separate review or jury image, if the new work is within the same medium and if the new work is of comparable quality to the artwork presented in the artist’s review or jury images.
If an artist believes his or her work transcends these standards, the artist is welcomed to apply to The Guild’s Standards Committee for determination of eligibility. The request must be made in writing at least 60 days prior to the fair for which the determination is requested. There is no guarantee that an exemption will be granted. The decision of The Guild is final.
Exhibition Standards: Ineligible Work
The Standards Committee, in an effort to help artists determine whether their specific artwork complies with The Guild’s Exhibition Standards, has prepared the following list of artwork that does not meet the Standards requirements. This list is a guideline to help artists determine whether or not their artwork is Standards eligible; it is neither exhaustive, nor is unacceptable work limited to the items listed.
Ineligible work includes but is not limited to:
· Cut coin jewelry
· Enamels on manufactured representational copper shapes
· Jewelry made of manufactured components
· Jewelry made from flatware
· Beads, not made by the artist. There are only two exemptions to this rule:
1) If the beads are not made by the artist, they must clearly play a subordinate role in the finished piece; and
2) The requirement that beads must be made by the artist does not apply in the technique known as bead weaving, however, commercial bead weaving kits are not permitted.
· Stud earrings in commercial settings
· Pearls whether in necklaces or bracelets. Note: Simple-strung or hand knotted-strung pearls are not eligible even if the pearls have been simple-strung or hand knotted-strung by the artist. Pearl necklaces and/or bracelets may be included if they have an ornament or fastener that is both intricate and a focal point of the piece, handmade by the artist and is of greater value than the piece from which it is hung or attached. Drilled pearls or pearls that have been altered, but not by the artist, are not eligible; such pearls are considered to be purchased beads and are subject to all purchased bead rules. Pearl earrings are permitted as long as the setting has been designed and handmade by the artist.
· T-shirts, sweat shirts, hats, and other commercially manufactured clothes, no matter how embellished by the artist
· No manufactured seams allowed in clothing blanks and upcycled clothing, including ties, pillow covers, etc. Scarves made from scarf blanks are limited to 20% of the booth
· Manufactured belt buckles sold separately from the belts
· Manufactured tiles with a design as a major component of the piece
· Enamels on manufactured representational copper shapes
· Commercially made glassware, flatware or serving pieces no matter how embellished by the artist
· Alphabet photography, i.e. photographs composed of images representing letters of the alphabet and using those images to spell out names, dates, birthday greetings, etc.
· Dried flowers, in groups, arrangements, or bouquets
· Wreaths
· Anything made in a commercial mold, in any medium
· Anything made using a commercial kit, in any medium
· Tole painting
· Dough art
· Country crafts
· CDs and tapes
· Food
· Henna
· Beauty Products
· Candles
Violations of the Exhibition Standards
Violations of the Exhibition Standards will be handled by the Standards Committee and designated Guild Staff. At all Guild fairs, every attempt will be made to inform artists as soon as possible of violations by issuing a Standards Warning. This warning gives the exhibiting artist a chance to correct the problem without penalty as long as the correction is immediate. If the problem is not corrected or if the violation is a continuing problem, the artist will be subject to stronger consequences that may include loss of exhibiting privileges and/or being required to close his or her booth immediately and vacate the booth space at the end of the event day. If the Committee is not able to resolve a problem during the fair, the Committee will review the situation and determine any necessary action following the event.
The Standards Committee will make a good faith effort to inform artists of any potential standards problems and what steps to take to correct the problems following the Standards Review or the event jury. However, it is the responsibility of the artists to comply with the Exhibition Standards.
There are two rules that are considered to be inviolable under any circumstances:
1) Engaging in “buy-sell” practices, that is, buying the work done by another and selling it as your own; or
2) Selling commercially produced reproductions of the work of another artist.
If it is discovered that an artist has engaged in either of these practices, that artist will lose Guild exhibiting privileges immediately and permanently.
Exhibition Rules
RULE 1: Exhibitors must comply with all local ordinances, regulations, and rules. These rules include but are not limited to:
o Fire lanes shall not contain storage or any other obstructions.
o Walk-through sidewalk-street connections shall not contain storage or any other obstructions.
o Vehicles are not permitted within the barricades during fair hours.
o All booth material, tarps and other coverings shall be fire-retardant or fire resistant. Open flames are not allowed.
o No gasoline, kerosene or motor oils are permitted in the fair area.
RULE 2: Picture I.D. is required for fair registration, and must be presented upon the request of Rules Committee members or Guild staff at any time during the fair.
RULE 3: Booth spaces may not be transferred or otherwise reassigned by the artist.
RULE 4: By one hour prior to fair opening on the fair’s first day, artists must have claimed (by their presence, or [if necessary] by phone) their booth space, otherwise their space may be resold with no refund issued.
RULE 5: Exhibitors must be present at the fair no less than 60 percent of each day. If an exhibitor is found to be in violation of this rule, the exhibitor’s booth must close immediately and remain closed until the exhibitor returns to the booth. In the case of a partnership, in which two artists work on one body-of-work, at least one member of the partnership must be present no less than 60 percent of each day.
RULE 6: Unless artists are officially notified of a fair emergency, booths must be open at the fair starting time and not close before the fair closing time. Artists concerned with their personal safety may close. Artists are expected to reopen as soon as the dangerous situation has ended.
Rule 7: Rude, obscene or abusive language and/or threatened, actual physical restraint and/or abuse of another Guild member, Guild staff or general public are prohibited.
RULE 8: On-site consumption of alcoholic beverages during fair hours is prohibited.
RULE 9: Booth structure and display must not exceed the limits of the assigned space. Artwork hanging from display panels will not obstruct, or block clear and free passage. If your artwork is hazardous, or interferes with your neighbor you will be asked to remove it. Booth substructure must not impede water flow.
RULE 10: Booth holders may share their space with no more than one other artist, as long as that artist has participated in and passed the event jury.
RULE 11: All Storage must be neatly concealed within the booth structure. If the exhibitor is found to be in violation of this rule, the exhibitor’s booth will be required to close and remain closed until the storage issue is corrected.
RULE 12: Signs advertising sales or markdowns are prohibited.
RULE 13: Pets are prohibited on the fair site. Service animals are permitted.
RULE 14: No debris may be left behind after tearing down.
Rule 15: The rule regarding the placement of chairs and tables may vary in each Guild event and/or may vary throughout the layout of a specific event. Where allowed, overhangs may not exceed 30”, must be at least 80” above the curb and may not interfere with any other exhibitor’s booth or the traffic flow, or be used for display, signs, etc. Exhibitors are required to adhere to the chair and table regulations established for the Guild event in which they are participating.
RULE 16: Use of sidewalks and planters is strictly prohibited. Booths, chairs, tables and storage must be contained within the artist’s assigned street space (see Rule 15).
RULE 17: Demonstrations are allowed within the assigned booth space. All other requests are decided on a case-by-case basis by the Rules Committee.
Rules Violations: Violations of the Exhibition Rules will be handled by the Rules Committee and designated Guild Staff. At all Guild fairs, every attempt will be made to inform artists as soon as possible of violations by issuing a Rules Violation Warning. This warning gives the exhibiting artist a chance to correct the problem without penalty as long as the correction is immediate. If the problem is not corrected or if the violation is a continuing problem, the artist will be subject to stronger consequences that may include loss of exhibiting privileges and/or being required to close his or her booth immediately, vacate the booth space at the end of the event day, and forfeit all booth fees. For minor infractions, exhibitors may receive points for the rules violations. Violations may be issued during or after a fair. From one (1) to ten (10) points may be assessed per violation. Accumulation of ten (10) points over a three-year period results in the suspension of exhibiting privileges for 13 months from the fair date of the violation resulting in the ten-point total. If the Committee is not able to resolve a problem during the fair, the Committee will review the situation and determine any necessary action following the event.
Appeals: Exhibitors have the right to an appeal in person or in writing to the Rules Committee after violation points are given. The appeal must be made within 60 days of the date of the rules violation notification letter sent from the Guild office.
Cancellation Policy/Refunds
1. In the event you must cancel, please notify The Guild immediately, by calling Nicole McKay at 734.662.3382, ext. 301.
2. You are also required to put your cancellation in writing and send or email it to The Guild’s Artist Relations Director, Nicole McKay, or The Guild, 118 North Fourth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1402,
3. If the cancellation is made on or before the last day to cancel with refund, your booth fee will be refunded minus a $50 administration fee, unless otherwise noted.
4. There are no refunds on cancellations made after the refund deadline, unless otherwise noted.